Ynez-DePortola Trail – City Project (Jan 2023)

City of Temecula plans to construct a “multi-use trail” along Ynez Rd , De Portola Rd and Jedediah Smith Rd. It looks like this project is still in its incipient phase  : City is contacting all utility agencies and assessing the cost.

It seems like the new “multi-use trail” will be constructed on ONE side of Ynez ( most probably South side) , De Portola ( most probably South side), Jedediah Smith Rd ( not clear which side).  What does this mean for LRHOA residents? Well, it depends where your property is located: If your property is on the North side of Ynez or De Portola, you might not be impacted. If your property is on the South side of Ynez Rd or De Portola Rd… well, it would be the same as an actual widening of the road ( see the 2020 attempt to widen the same section of road).

Some will say this is better because it is “just” half of the initially planned road  widening…. If you happen to live along the above-mentioned roads…. you might not take so well the “good news” because for you this will be no different than an actual ( full) road widening.

Below is a map showing extent of the planned project along with a letter sent to local utility agencies. While the project just started, we might want to consider our position ( as a community) …. the sooner we let the City know our position the better.


Ynez, De Portola, Jedediah Smith Rd Trail Project