
TV Hospital : Behavioral Health Center

City of Temecula Public meeting (January 9, 2024)

Meeting Recording

Community Meeting ( November 13, 2023 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm)

Temecula Valley Hospital is hosting an informational meeting to be held in the City Conference Center.  Directly in front of the front doors of City Hall.

Event date and time:  11/13/23 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Location: 41000 Main St, Temecula CA 92590

LRHOA Board of Directors encourages all to attend this informational meeting.  There will be a Q&A session.  You are encouraged to provide questions in advance to

The LRHOA Board is not in favor of this facility in our neighborhood feeling that it will negatively impact all of our community members as well as Temecula as a whole by increasing traffic, crime and vagrancy.

Meeting recording

Ynez-De Portola Rd widening update 05/20/23

A couple of months ago, the City seemed interested in a “half-widening” of the Ynez-De Portola corridor ( see article on the Multi-use trail). However, their 05/25/23 budget agenda and 06/07/23 Planning Commission meeting agenda show the City Council is going back to the full widening idea of the above-mentioned corridor.

Many members of our community attended the Planning Commission meeting on 06/07/23 or sent their disagreement to the City by email. We need to continue these efforts until this project ( Ynez-De Portola Rd widening) is removed from City’s budget / general plan. Below are the next meetings we need your presence and emails for:

City Council meeting 06/13/23 ( click for details & call to action and recording

Public Traffic/Safety Commission meeting 07/27/23 (click for details and call to action)

To see Board’s call to action for 06/07/23 Planning Commission Meeting click here

Back in 2020 most of the LRHOA members responded to  the Board’s call to action and as a result, the City decided to …. postpone the project. The fact that the project was postponed became clear only after 3 years (once we saw the widening in the budget meeting agenda for 05/25/23).

In 2020, we thought the City Council members  seriously considered our community’s call to preserve our way of life and keep our community safe… Well, the fact that the widening of Ynez & De Portola Rd is an item on their latest budget workshop (scheduled for 06/07/23 @ 06:00pm) , shows that our community does not matter and making commuters happy is more important. It is interesting how on the same agenda they are discussing widening of roads with multiple residential driveways and making it a true arterial (even though it is running parallel with Temecula Parkway) and  reducing traffic accident fatalities on public roads ( Local Roadway Safety Plan). While they widen some roads, they are also considering traffic calming improvements for other roads. This makes perfect sense ( NOT): first you create a problem , then you try to resolve it.

The section of Ynez Rd & De Portola Rd between Santiago Rd and Margarita Rd is planned to become an arterial even though it has residential driveways . Currently , with 2 lanes & 1 turn lane , this corridor has a posted speed limit of 45mph ( same as Pechanga Pkwy, a 4 lane + median road). There are no other roads in Temecula with residential driveways and 45mph speed limit. Speed and traffic have been the biggest concern for our community but all our efforts to reduce the speed limit have been ignored by the City.

Maps below show other roads with speed limits between 25 and 45MPH along with number of lanes and driveways. You’ll notice, only the corridor the City plans on widening has a speed limit of 45MPH and numerous driveways.

The agenda mentions phase 1 of the widening ( Santiago Rd to La Paz Rd). The plans for this were designed back in 2020 . If you want to see how this section will look once completed, take a look at the maps showing current properties with proposed widening, in the 2020 article called “City is moving forward with Ynez Rd widening“.

It looks like it’s that time again when we need to remind our elected officials we do not want this project…because it makes no sense! Safety has been a concern of ours and widening the road will only make things worse.

Click photo below to open agenda for the  budget workshop scheduled for  05/25/23 @ 09:00 am

New Trail Signs

You will soon notice new trail signs installed at the trail heads. These signs should help everyone understand how to use our trail system.

Here is how the new signs will look like:

Ynez-DePortola Trail – City Project (Jan 2023)

City of Temecula plans to construct a “multi-use trail” along Ynez Rd , De Portola Rd and Jedediah Smith Rd. It looks like this project is still in its incipient phase  : City is contacting all utility agencies and assessing the cost.

It seems like the new “multi-use trail” will be constructed on ONE side of Ynez ( most probably South side) , De Portola ( most probably South side), Jedediah Smith Rd ( not clear which side).  What does this mean for LRHOA residents? Well, it depends where your property is located: If your property is on the North side of Ynez or De Portola, you might not be impacted. If your property is on the South side of Ynez Rd or De Portola Rd… well, it would be the same as an actual widening of the road ( see the 2020 attempt to widen the same section of road).

Some will say this is better because it is “just” half of the initially planned road  widening…. If you happen to live along the above-mentioned roads…. you might not take so well the “good news” because for you this will be no different than an actual ( full) road widening.

Below is a map showing extent of the planned project along with a letter sent to local utility agencies. While the project just started, we might want to consider our position ( as a community) …. the sooner we let the City know our position the better.


Ynez, De Portola, Jedediah Smith Rd Trail Project

Fire Prevention

Please clear the brush on your property! Fire season is here.

Temecula weed abatement ordinance:

CalFire brochure:

Riverside County Hazard Reduction Office enforces the abatement of hazardous vegetation, abandoned or neglected orchards, groves and vineyards within the territory of Riverside County which pose a danger to the health, safety and welfare of residents and first responders.

Hazard abatement activities are conducted with the additional goal of protecting rare and sensitive plants,animals and the environment.

All property owners are responsible for maintaining their property throughout the calendar year. County Ordinances 695, and 772 outline requirements and penalties in the Hazard Reduction Process.

Riverside Fire Hazard Abatement Program

Removal of noxious weeds and hazardous conditions will help prevent wild fires.

1. Grass, noxious weeds, trash, rubbish and other flammable material need to be cut and
removed from vacant lots, yards, courtyards, parkways, and other locations. These types of
vegetation, when dry, become a fire hazard and must be maintained throughout the year.

2. Trees and branches – Remove any portion of a tree that extends within 10 feet of the outlet of
any roof, chimney, or stovepipe as stated in Public Resources Code 4291.

3. Native brush and chaparral near any improved property (structures) need to be cleared or
thinned and all ground litter removed from vacant lots, yards, courtyards, parkways, and other

4. All cleared, thinned, or cut materials must be removed from the property to an approved
county landfill site or green waste facility for proper disposal.

5. Methods of cleaning properties by the County include disking, hand labor, and mowing.

6. Open burning is prohibited by regulations of the South Coast Air Quality Management

Fire preparedness


TVH Expansion Plan 11-09-21

ON November 9th, 2021 a town hall meeting was held at the Temecula Library. Organizer: TV Hospital

Purpose: present their plans for expansion. Presentation is included below.

TVH PPT 11/09/21

Temecula Parkway Pipeline Replacement Project

Temecula Pkwy pipeline replacement project

Rancho Water will start construction on the Temecula Parkway Pipeline Replacement project in
mid-October. The project will replace nearly 8,000 feet of recycled
water pipeline running under Temecula Parkway between Bedford Court and
Avenida De Missiones, which translates to just over 1.5 miles of purple

This pipeline has an essential role. It delivers recycled water for
irrigation and landscaping to the community’s beloved parks,
restaurants, shops, large and small businesses along Temecula Parkway,
including Temecula Creek Inn Golf Course, Journey at Pechanga, Temecula
Valley Hospital, California State University Temecula and Redhawk Golf
Course.  The pipeline is important because the more recycled water is
used for things like irrigation and landscaping, the more water is
available to District customers for drinking, cooking, laundry and

The pipeline has become corroded over the past 10 years and needs to be
replaced. The pipeline is being replaced now to avoid potential for
future pipeline breaks, which are expensive and inconvenient for the
community. The District also wants to start construction now to take
advantage of lighter traffic on the roads due to COVID-19.

The pipeline will be replaced on Temecula Parkway in four phases, moving
from west to east (detailed map attached to this email). During
construction, westbound Temecula Parkway will be reduced down to one
lane. While access to neighborhoods and businesses will be maintained at
all times, traffic delays are expected on Temecula Parkway. Alternate
routes are available on De Portola Road but we understand the temporary
inconveniences that will have on the Los Ranchitos Community.  We are
reaching out to get your input and assistance on informing your
residents about the project and would also like to propose a virtual
community meeting in the near future.

For more info please contact Rancho Water:


City is moving forward with Ynez Rd Widening


We’ve just learned the City of Temecula has decided to move forward with the widening of Ynez Rd. The first phase is the section between Santiago Rd and La Paz Rd.

The City Council , have decided to transform our neighborhood into a freeway bypass. The City is collecting the residents’ money to improve the travel/driving experience for commuters. So, instead of working with CalTrans and solving the actual problem (I-15 @ 79N) they decided to solve the problem by widening local streets ( at the expense of people living in Temecula). Nowadays, everyone is a planner and no one is willing to listen and/or read….Other agencies have attempted to fix traffic-related issues by widening the road and it turned out to be anything but a solution. Please see article on INDUCED DEMAND.

induced demand

Widening Ynez Rd would create a problem for businesses on Temecula Parkway, by diverting more traffic from that road ( especially on the Jedediah Rd – Margarita Rd section, used as a shortcut). Businesses should be concerned as well.

If you believe in preserving our community and our way of life , this is the time to join us at the next City Council meetings. The Council members need to know where the community stands relative to this project/decision.

Many Los Ranchitos residents responded the call to action sent out by the Board of Directors and attended the City Council meeting on March 10th, 2020.

We hope to have an even bigger support group for the next meetings. If you can’t make it to the meetings , you can still send a letter ( email) to the City Clerk, presenting your position about this project. This is the only way our voice will be heard, our only chance to preserve our community.

Meeting recording is available below, for your convenience. Please note  that public comments are in the first 45 minutes of this meeting.

Maps below show the existing road and proposed improvements:

The City Council Meeting held on 04/28/20 was a virtual meeting. Many residents have sent in their comments by email , expressing their opposition to the widening of Ynez Rd:

We encourage you to take action and let the City know your opinion about this. You can do this by attending every City Council meeting ( once the COVID19 restrictions are lifted) or by sending an email to the City Clerk , and asking to be read during PUBLIC COMMENT section.

Send your letter by email to Randi Johl ( City Clerk at ( Subject: Public Comment – STOP YNEZ WIDENING)