City is moving forward with Ynez Rd Widening


We’ve just learned the City of Temecula has decided to move forward with the widening of Ynez Rd. The first phase is the section between Santiago Rd and La Paz Rd.

The City Council , have decided to transform our neighborhood into a freeway bypass. The City is collecting the residents’ money to improve the travel/driving experience for commuters. So, instead of working with CalTrans and solving the actual problem (I-15 @ 79N) they decided to solve the problem by widening local streets ( at the expense of people living in Temecula). Nowadays, everyone is a planner and no one is willing to listen and/or read….Other agencies have attempted to fix traffic-related issues by widening the road and it turned out to be anything but a solution. Please see article on INDUCED DEMAND.

induced demand

Widening Ynez Rd would create a problem for businesses on Temecula Parkway, by diverting more traffic from that road ( especially on the Jedediah Rd – Margarita Rd section, used as a shortcut). Businesses should be concerned as well.

If you believe in preserving our community and our way of life , this is the time to join us at the next City Council meetings. The Council members need to know where the community stands relative to this project/decision.

Many Los Ranchitos residents responded the call to action sent out by the Board of Directors and attended the City Council meeting on March 10th, 2020.

We hope to have an even bigger support group for the next meetings. If you can’t make it to the meetings , you can still send a letter ( email) to the City Clerk, presenting your position about this project. This is the only way our voice will be heard, our only chance to preserve our community.

Meeting recording is available below, for your convenience. Please note  that public comments are in the first 45 minutes of this meeting.

Maps below show the existing road and proposed improvements:

The City Council Meeting held on 04/28/20 was a virtual meeting. Many residents have sent in their comments by email , expressing their opposition to the widening of Ynez Rd:

We encourage you to take action and let the City know your opinion about this. You can do this by attending every City Council meeting ( once the COVID19 restrictions are lifted) or by sending an email to the City Clerk , and asking to be read during PUBLIC COMMENT section.

Send your letter by email to Randi Johl ( City Clerk at ( Subject: Public Comment – STOP YNEZ WIDENING)